Coming up in late June 2012: an academic conference inspired by the work of the various Occupy movements around the world. It's being organized by an international consortium of university programs known as the
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate.

The final conference program hasn't been announced yet, but should be posted
here by early June. Here's what the organizers say about their plans:
PREOCCUPIED takes as its starting point the worldwide interventions of protestors and artists, activists and the impassioned of 2011. Let us be inspired by their daring and as bold in our imaginings. The conference will be held amongst the strange and inspiring ruins of Berlin’s Kulturpark this coming June 28-29, 2012. We hope you will be as galvanized by fallen dinosaurs as we have been. What we’re talking about, what you are, is the future.
In any case, two excellent
keynote speakers are already in place: Simon Critchley (who's written extensively about the politics of resistance and been involved with Occupy Wall Street in NYC) and Hito Steyerl, a filmmaker with special expertise in essayist documentary video and the global circulation of images. The exact conference location is still
TBA at this point, but this one sounds interesting enough to keep an eye on.